Men’s Health Services

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Greensboro, NC

When scar tissue develops under the skin of the penis, Peyronie’s disease may occur. As the scar tissue forms, the penis may bend or indent during an erection. In some men, this can result in a serious curve and make it difficult to have sex or achieve and maintain erections. 

If you are experiencing symptoms of Peyronie’s disease and are seeking treatment, contact Dr. Luke Machen to discuss the benefits of Peyronie’s disease treatment and if a procedure is right for you. To schedule your consultation at our men’s health clinic in Greensboro, NC, please call 336-274-1114 or request an appointment through our secure online form.

Symptoms and Causes of Peyronie’s Disease

In over 70% of cases, the scar tissue will develop on the top of the penis causing it to bend upwards during an erection. If the scar tissue develops on the bottom or side of the penis, it will bend downward or sideways during an erection. In rare cases, the scar tissue may develop all around the penis, causing the shaft to narrow and become very hard. 

Other symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease may include 

  • Pain during sex, or pain during an erection. This is more common earlier in the disease process
  • Hard spots or “plaques” in the penis. 
  • Bends or curves in the penis. 
  • Narrowing or shortening of the penis. 
  • Penile shortening
  • Erection issues

Most often, Peyronie’s disease is caused by injury to the penis due to aggressive sex, or an accident of some sort. However, oftentimes it “just happens,” and there is no traumatic event that leads to scar formation. More rare causes include connective tissue disorders or autoimmune diseases.

Because the chances of getting Peyronie’s disease increase with age due to changes in the elasticity of the penis, men over the age of 50 are more commonly affected. In addition, men with a more active sexual lifestyle that may cause injuries to the penis, or men who have a family history of Peyronie’s disease have a higher chance of developing it over their lifetime. 

Diagnosis of Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease can most often be diagnosed based on history and a physical exam. After your initial visit with Dr Machen, you may be set up for an appointment to measure the exact degree of your curvature. At this appointment, you’ll be given an injectable drug to create an erection and check how your penis curves or narrows. This allows for an exact measure of curvature and for a proper treatment plan to be designed. 

How is Peyronie’s Disease Treated?

The overall goal of treatment is to have a penis straight enough for penetrative intercourse. If your curvature does not cause pain for you or your partner, and does not prevent you from having sex, you may not need treatment at all.

Nonsurgical Treatments

Your urologist may prescribe a series of medications that may help inflammation or development of scar tissue. These treatments include collagenase injections, also known as Xiaflex. Additionally, traction devices can be used to help straighten your penis, either alone or in conjunction with Xiaflex.

Surgical Treatments

The types of surgery will depend on the severity of your curvature, but may include plication, grafting, or a penile implant. Most commonly, the surgeries will include the following: 

  • Lengthening the area of the penis that curves. 
  • Shortening the opposite side of the penis from the scar tissue. 
  • Placing a prosthetic device inside the penis. 

Schedule Your Peyronie’s Disease Consultation and Treatment in Greensboro, NC

If you are experiencing issues with Peyronie’s disease, contact Dr. Luke Machen to determine which treatment option is right for you. To schedule your consultation at Greensboro Men’s Health, please call 336-274-1114 or request an appointment only to schedule your appointment at our men’s health clinic in Greensboro, NC.

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Peyronie’s FAQ 

How Do You Get Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s disease can be caused by trauma to the penis. This type of damage is most often caused by vigorous sex (such as bending the penis during penetration or pressure from a partner’s pubic bone), though it can also be caused by sports or other accidents. That being said, most patients do not recall any sort of traumatic event that could lead to the curvature

Does Viagra Help Peyronie’s Disease?

Yes. Medications that are prescribed for erectile dysfunction (ED) are sometimes beneficial for patients in the early stages of Peyronie’s disease. Typically Dr Machen prescribes daily cialis in the early stages of Peyronie’s disease. 

Is Peyronie’s Disease Permanent?

Yes, in most cases. Peyronie’s disease is usually a permanent condition, but can be improved using a variety of recommended treatments. Contact Dr. Machen to learn more about these specific treatments.

How Does a Doctor Check for Peyronie’s Disease?

Typically with a physical exam. You will likely be scheduled for an appointment where Dr Machen injects medicine into your penis to give you an erection. From there, the exact degree of curvature can be measured. 

What Vitamins Help With Peyronie’s Disease?

There is no good evidence vitamins help with Peyronie’s disease. The American Urological Association recommends against any sort of vitamin treatment for this reason.

Does Peyronie’s Get Worse?

The curvature and shortening associated with Peyronie’s disease might gradually worsen until the chronic, stable phase of the condition is reached. Sometimes this can take 12-18 months. 

How Do You Treat Peyronie’s?

There are a number of options available with most involving surgery. However, intralesional collagenase injections (Xiaflex) may be an option for you. Dr. Machen will discuss this after your initial visit.

What Does Peyronie’s Disease Feel Like?

It feels like a ridge or a row of tiny bumps under the skin of the penis. For some men, another symptom of Peyronie’s disease can be erectile dysfunction (difficulty getting or maintaining an erection). Some men may experience pain with or without an erection as well in the early stages of the disease as well.

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This content has been reviewed by the board-certified urologists from South Texas Urology Group