Men’s Health Services

ED Treatment in Greensboro, NC

By conservative estimates, only 10% of men see a doctor for erectile dysfunction, and about half of those men discontinue treatment shortly after starting it. While ED can be embarrassing to talk about, it’s highly treatable. You should seek an evaluation from board-certified urologist Dr. Luke Machen, if you have any of the following concerns:

⦁ Continuing or worsening problems with ED
⦁ Penile curvature (Peyronie’s disease)
⦁ Pain with erections

Erectile dysfunction isn’t just a man’s problem; rather, it’s a couple’s disease. Struggling with ED can cause depression, anxiety, and poor self-esteem, which can affect your relationships.

ED Treatment Options

Whatever is causing your ED, there is a treatment option that can provide a satisfying solution. If you try one of the treatment options listed and it doesn’t work for you or you aren’t completely satisfied, don’t be discouraged and give up hope. These treatment options have varying degrees of success for each man, depending on the cause of the ED. Irreversible vessel or nerve damage may impact the success of some of these treatments. For example, oral medications don’t work well for some men.2 In fact, half of the men who try oral medications give up on the pills, or they stop working.3 It’s important to know all of your available options and discuss them with your doctor to determine which will be appropriate for you and your lifestyle.

  • Oral medications: There are several prescription medications available that may improve blood flow to the penis. Combined with sexual stimulation, this can produce an erection.
  • Vacuum erection devices: A hollow plastic tube is placed over the penis, and a pump (hand/battery-powered) is used to create a vacuum that pulls blood into the penis. Once an erection is achieved, an elastic tension ring is placed at the base of the penis to help maintain the erection.
  • Injections: With injection therapy, a needle is used to inject medication directly into the penis. The medication allows blood to flow into the penis, creating an erection.
  • Intraurethral suppositories: An applicator containing a small pellet (suppository) is inserted into the urethra, and the pellet is released. The pellet dissolves and increases blood flow to the penis, creating an erection.
  • Penile implants: A device is implanted into the penis that is intended to allow a man with ED to have an erection. The device is entirely contained in the body so no one is able to see it and is controlled by the user to achieve an erection. This treatment is designed to allow for spontaneity and the erection is maintained for as long as the man desires.

Types of Penile implants

If you’re not having success with conservative erectile dysfunction treatments, the team may recommend a penile implant procedure. This device is a long-lasting solution to help you achieve firmer erections in a more natural manner; Dr. Machen performs more penile implant procedures than anyone in the area.

One-piece Penile Implant

A one-piece penile implant involves placing semirigid cylinders into the erection bodies of your penis. This implant helps you have a penis that’s rigid enough for sexual intercourse but soft (flaccid) enough to conceal under your clothes. A one-piece penile implant is the least expensive solution and works quickly, but it does result in the least natural erection (compared to other devices).

Two-piece Penile Implant

A two-piece penile implant involves concealing a pump in your scrotum (almost like a third small testicle) and filling cylinders with fluid. You use the pump to achieve an erection and then bend your penis in a certain position to help drain the fluid. A two-piece penile implant results in excellent rigidity, although because it results in poor flaccidity, it’s not an ideal solution for very thin men or men with larger penises.

Three-piece Penile Implant

As the most commonly used penile implant, three-piece implants are highly effective. This implant involves placing a pump into your scrotum (just like a two-piece implant), but this pump both inflates and deflates the cylinders. The system has a reservoir that goes into your pelvis or abdomen and holds fluid when your penis is flaccid.

A three-piece penile implant results in excellent rigidity and flaccidity and total control over your erection. Typically, the team recommends a three-piece implant in all cases unless you have an issue in which it wouldn’t be safe or effective for you.


⦁ Erectile dysfunction (ED). American Urological education-and-meetings/med-stu-curriculum/ed.pdf. Accessed January 21, 2013.
⦁ Walsh TJ, HotalingJM, Smith A, et al. Men with diabetes may require more aggressive treatment for erectile dysfunction. lntJ lmpot Res. 2014 May-Jun;26(3):112-5.
⦁ Matthew AG, Goldman A, TrachtenbergJ, et al. Sexual dysfunction after radical prostatectomy: prevalence, treatments, restricted use of treatments and distress.J Ural. 2005 Dec:174(6):2105-10.

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Schedule an ED Consultation in Greensboro, NC

Doctors define erectile dysfunction (ED) as having a “persistent inability to achieve or sustain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse.” You may find that you have a total or inconsistent inability to sustain an erection, or that your erections are brief. If this sounds familiar to you, contact urologist Dr. Luke Machen today to schedule an appointment at our urology clinic in Greensboro, NC. Give us a call at (336) 274-1114 or request an appointment through our secure online form.

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This content has been reviewed by the board-certified urologists from South Texas Urology Group