Men’s Health Services

Hard Series: Join the fight to solve Erectile Dysfunction

In this five-part, short documentary series, Dr. Samantha Nealon, an early career urologist, examines the connections Prosthetic Urologists form with their Erectile Dysfunction (ED) patients through successful treatment of ED. Learn along with her as she journeys across the country to explore the personal battle men face when trying to understand and solve their erectile dysfunction. Through candid interviews with patients and physicians, she explores the physical and emotional impact of ED. You will gain valuable insight into the hope that comes with current advanced therapies that can restore men to sexual health.

Episode 1: A Good Life

The first time they locked eyes, Cliff and Marilyn knew they were soulmates. They’ve been inseparable ever since, sharing their most personal joys and struggles. Together, they triumphed over prostate cancer. Unknowingly, that victory resulted in one of their toughest trials yet — ED. Just when they’d given up, they met Dr. Arnold D. Bullock, Alan A. and Edith L. Wolff Distinguished Professor in Urology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Opening the couple’s eyes to an effective therapy option, he gave them hope of restoring Cliff’s erectile function — and the vital intimacy they’d lost. Join Cliff, Marilyn, and Dr. Bullock as they share their inspiring story, and our nationwide quest to shed light on ED begins.

Episode 2: Reborn

After several failed treatments, Andy reached a low point. His outlook on life with ED and diabetes was transformed when Dr. Abram McBride introduced the IPP. See how Andy achieved satisfaction and restored intimacy in his marriage – and how Dr. McBride approaches ED treatment for his patients with diabetes.

Episode 3: Restoring Robert

From initial counseling through treatment and recovery, solving ED is a process. One that Dr. Jaspreet Singh knows well — and deems priceless in helping restore men’s confidence. This story follows Dr. Singh from pre-counseling through the operating room. And it chronicles construction worker, Robert, as he talks openly about his life-changing, advanced ED therapy. Learn why Robert believes that choosing an IPP “is the best thing I ever did in my life,” and why Dr. Singh says that men with implants are the happiest patients he has. Join Dr. Samantha Nealon in New York, as she documents their candid stories.

Episode 4: No Regrets

Lawrence walked into Dr. Shawn Blick’s office for a totally different urologic concern. Experiencing Dr. Blick’s expertise firsthand inspired him. He bravely revealed the isolation-inducing organic ED he had been experiencing for years. Through extensive counseling, Dr. Blick outlined a treatment option Lawrence didn’t know was possible. He addressed Lawrence’s anxieties and fears and counseled him through recovery. Learn why Lawrence says the only thing he would change in his ED journey is connecting with a urologist sooner.

Episode 5: Desperate for a Cure

Career, home, partner — ED doesn’t often make the list of things men worry about in their thirties. But Richard had been suffering secretly and trying therapies for years. He was desperate for a cure when he finally opened up to his wife, Maria. Everything changed when the couple connected with Dr. Jonathan Clavell and learned about IPP therapy. High-fiving his doctor on the way into the OR, Richard was riding high on the hope even before the surgery. See his journey, and learn why Dr. Clavell believes improved emotional health is the biggest benefit of an IPP.

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This content has been reviewed by the board-certified urologists from South Texas Urology Group