Men’s Health Services

AMS 800™ Artificial Urinary Sphincter in Greensboro, NC

Our board-certified urologist, Dr. Luke Machen offers AMS 800™ to treat male urinary incontinence. Contact our urology clinic in Greensboro, NC today by calling (336) 274-1114.

What is the AMS 800™ Artificial Urinary Sphincter ?

Considered the gold standard treatment for male SUI, the AMS 800 Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) is designed for all levels of SUI following prostate procedures.

This device offers customizable treatment options based on the patient’s physical condition, with components tailored to fit their anatomy. Device components and accessories include:

Established Outcomes

• More than 50 years of clinical use, with over 250,000 systems sold worldwide

• Dry or improved rates were computed as 79%, ranging from 61% to 100%

• Overall device survival was 72% at 5 years, 56% at 10 years, 41% at 15 years, and 33% at 20 years

How it Works

The AMS 800™ AUS simulates normal sphincter function by opening and closing the urethra, under patient control. When the cuff is closed, urine stays in the bladder.

Schedule a Consultation in Greensboro, NC

If you are struggling with Urinary Incontinence, contact our board-certified urologist, Dr. Luke Machen to see if you are a candidate for the AMS 800™ Artificial Urinary Sphincter. Schedule an appointment at our urology clinic in Greensboro, NC by calling (336) 274-1114.

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This content has been reviewed by the board-certified urologists from South Texas Urology Group